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Optum Health Pharmacy

Erovita Easy Pregnancy Kit 1's

KES 340.00
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Erovita Easy Pregnancy Kit checks for the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is a hormone that is present in urine in the early stages of pregnancy.

This product comprises glass fiber strips of monoclonal antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), anti-mouse IgG solid cellulose nitrate membrane and the bonders of absorptive colloidal gold-monoclonal antibody against hCG. It adopts the double antibody sandwich method and immunochromatography principles to test the hCG In the urine.

Intended use : for early diagnosis of pregnancy.

Test procedure

Before use please prepare a timer and urine cup.

1. The Pregnancy test is formulated with fresh urine specimens.
2. Urine cups should be used to collect I specimens. Remove the strip from the toll wrapper.
3. Immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow end pointing toward the urine.
4. Do not cover the urine over the MAX (maximum) line. You may take the strip out after a minimum of 15 seconds in the urine and lay the strip flatly on a non-absorptive clean surface.
5. Read the result within 5 minutes.
6. Discard the test device after single use in the dustbin.
Interpretation of results:- Negative: only one Pink line appears in the control area, you can assume that you are not pregnant.- Positive: two pink lines appear both in the control and test areas, you can assume that you are pregnant.- Invalid: there is no distinct pink-purple-colored band visible both in the TEST area and CONTROL area. the test is inconclusive. It is recommended that in this case, the test should be repeated. 
Erovita Easy Pregnancy Kit 1's
KES 340.00
KES 340.00